The Angiodroid CO2 Injector is the innovative and exclusive carbon dioxide injector for peripheral interventional angiography below the diaphragm. The Injector allows the CO2dosage at specific volumes and pressures, and the injection of CO2into vascular cavities. The Angiodroid Injector is the first automatic injector for peripheral angiography using carbon dioxide gas (CO 2 ), eliminating both the pathologies associated with iodine contrast. The Angiodroid CO2 Injector is made for use in the various places.
Carbon Dioxide Injection System for Diagnostic and Interventional Peripheral Angiography.
Fully Automatic
Dedicated to the CO2 Angiography .
Complete Management of the Gas.
Dose and Injection Pressure Precise set up
Injection Remote Controller
This eliminates the practice of manual injection of CO2.
Highly accurate and reliable in terms of Pressure and Volume .